Thursday, December 15, 2011

Exotic Pets - African Hedgehog

Exotic Pets - African Hedgehog Tube. Duration : 3.93 Mins.

Exotic Pets - Hedgehogs - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. I am Beth Randall, and I am the director at Critter Camp Exotic Pet Sanctuary. And this is Lucy, she is a hedgehog, an African Pygmy Hedgehog. And those are the type of hedgehogs that are pets in the United States. There are also European Hedgehogs, which are about 3 times bigger than these. And they live in the gardens in England and Europe. These guys are native to the grasslands of Africa, where they run and burrow underground. And they eat bugs, worms, and small animals and eggs in the wild. They are a totally solitary animal. In captivity, they need to be kept alone, or they will fight with another hedgehog. Occasionally, female siblings can live together, but it is not guaranteed. They live about 5 to 8 years, they are nocturnal. Their quills are poky. They feel kinda like toothpicks, is what they feel like. They do not shoot them out, neither do porcupines. But, and they are not related to porcupines at all. Porcupines are rodents, these guys are little omnivores, again, that would be more closely related to a weasel or something like that. Or even a cat. They like to run, and so they do need a wheel. And when they are in a cage, they need to be in about a guinea pig size cage. A couple feet by maybe 3 or 4 feet. And they do need a wheel to run in at night. And it does have to be solid, because you can see, they have very tiny little feet, and they will get stuck in a wheel that has slots, or, you ...

Keywords: african hedgehogs, exotic pets, pet shop, exotic pet collection, exotic pets for sale, pets care, exotic pets for beginners, exotic pets store, Critter Camp, Expert Series, geobeats

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